For me, art means life. Creating is as vital as breathing. When I draw, I live.
I have the impression that the biggest problem in people’s lives is that we don’t know how to control our mental processes, the real strength of our deepest thoughts.
In reality, whether consciously or not, we become what we believe we are. When I was a child, I always wanted to be a painter and see my framed pictures “live” in someone’s home, nourish their interior with creative energy. And then, my dream came true. It is amazing how our thoughts can come true and become our life.
Our beliefs, our dreams, our fears, our doubts, everything on which we focus becomes our reality because it exists in our consciousness and nourishes us.
My life could have been different than what it is today. I could have had another profession, lived in another city, in another country. Had a different view from the window. However subconsciously – then later intentionally – I persistently aspired to be a painter. I wanted to feel life and convey my feelings through the transparency and gentleness of watercolours. I wanted to arise in the morning knowing that my workshop awaited me with paper, brushes and paint on my bench. During my travels, I did not see just fields and the roofs of houses, a river and a bridge with a convoluted construction, but also subjects for my work.
And all of the sometimes major difficulties that stood in my path were overcome.
We waste a good deal of our time thinking about the past and we live with regret that says “if only it were different”. In reality, everything happens as it was meant to. Everything happens in due time and we have nothing to worry about. The most important thing is to listen and hear yourself. Everything is programmed: not only through our thoughts but also through the efforts of our loved ones who are willing to stand behind us. My dearly loved parents encouraged me and unconsciously guided me to a path, the very one I’ve always dreamed of! I am a painter! My goal as such is to share my passion, my feelings, my perceptions of reality with everyone the world over! The feelings that I express through my paintings are clear! I believe that, if I am honest and true to myself and to my art, I am able to create and blossom.
Everything that I write flows from my imagination! My mind and soul are constantly creating magnificent, colourful images. When I spend hours work on my paintings, I hope to express what lives deep down within me.
Alexandra OTIEVA